Flagship Events

The Hwa Chong Asia-Pacific Young Leaders Summit (HC-APYLS) is a biennial event that aims to create a high-profile platform for student leaders from countries around the world to engage in intellectual engagement and inquiry into issues plaguing the world. Focusing on cultural diversity, the summit emphasizes the importance of both multicultural and multilateral understanding.

The theme of 2022’s Summit was “Cyberspace: Connecting Leaders, Conceptualising Ideas, Catalysing Change”. The student delegates were actively involved in discussions regarding pertinent issues, including socio-economic inequalities, unequal distribution of Internet access, increased polarisation on social media and the climate crisis. Delegates strived to consider how governments, communities and individuals can work together to narrow the technological divides between countries and the implications of the fourth wave of industrial revolution.


The International Science Youth Forum (ISYF) aims to provide high-ability students with ample opportunities to share and discuss their interest in science, technology and science research. Interactions with Nobel Laureates and eminent scientists foster greater awareness among the youth about the importance of broad-based knowledge, keen curiosity, relentless tenacity and a global outlook in the pursuit of science.

The theme for ISYF 2024 is “Science and Technology for Humanity: Building a Sustainable Future”. In a world challenged by climate change and worsening disparities, ISYF 2024 endeavours to allow delegates to consider the role of science and technology in driving sustainable and inclusive development, and be inspired to be the change they want to see.